UNESCO initiated and sponsored the first International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI)The IOI is organized annually in and by one of the participating countries. Each participating country typically sends a delegation of four contestants and two accompanying adults. Students compete individually and try to maximize their score by solving a set of informatics problems during two competition days. Cultural and recreational events are organized on the remaining days. 
You need to know how to program in one of the allowed programming languages, to be able to understand and implement algorithms, and to be a good problem solver. The languages acceptable are C++(used by most competitors),Java and Pascal.

The official website is

This is the official syllabus as of 2018
The books recommended on the official website are...

Introductory Computer Science: Bits of Theory and Bytes of Practice.

The Sachertorte Algorithm and Other Antidotes to Computer Anxiety.

The New Turing Omnibus: 66 Excursions in Computer Science.

Algorithmics: The Spirit of Computing.

What Computing Is All About.

Programming Challenges: The Programming Contest Training Manual.

The Art of Computer Programming.

The Algorithm Design Manual.

Problems in Programming: Experience through Practice.

Problems on Algorithms (2nd Edition).

Introduction to Algorithms (2nd Edition).

To learn programming you can study from youtube for free or from tese sites:-

Stack overflow
learnCpp and many more.

To practice there are various online platforms like codeforces, USACO,etc.

There are some books that I dont have in this drive folder but other good books generally recommended are there like Competitive programming 3,A tour of C++ and The C++ programming language by  Bjarne Stroustrup the founder of C++.,etc.

All the best!

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